You want to be your own Builder/Project Manager/General Contractor but are intimidated that you might be in over your head? We can help!

Plan Review and Consult – One of our advisors can come on-site, and spend some time with you going over the process and giving you money saving insights that would help you feel confident that you are not “missing something”. This consult normally will last about 2 hours. We will look at the site, go over the building considerations to be aware of, review your building plan (even if it’s a napkin drawing) and answer your questions. This will only cost $150

Step by Step Guidance – Need someone to help you through the process without costing you an arm and a leg? NWA Homebuilder can be your advisor through the process. Help sourcing materials, providing contacts for trades, crews and even help you negotiate prices. While we would love to be 100% transparent with prices, avoiding surprises, it’s hard to price this service without having an idea of your specific project needs. If you hire us to be your advisor, we will waive the fee for the Plan Review and Consult, so just let us look at your project and give you our best shot.

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